5 Reasons To Teach Every Pup To Wear A Muzzle

There are still some dog owners who believe that the only time a canine should wear a muzzle is if they are a danger to other dogs or humans. This couldn’t be further from the truth, and it is a good idea to train your pet to wear one. There’s even a website called the Muzzle Up! Project, which has plenty of helpful tips for curious owners about how to teach their pet to wear one.

For owners who are worried that muzzle dog training might be too controversial, the following five reasons will help address any fears or lingering doubts that you might have.

  1. If you own a dog that has issues with reactivity and aggression, it’s a good idea to teach your dog to wear a muzzle. Many owners have successfully trained their pets to wear a type of muzzle known as a basket muzzle when they go out for a walk because it prevents a dog from being able to bite, but allows them to breathe easily, take treats and even drink water.
  2. Another good reason to train your pet to wear a muzzle is as a precaution during an emergency. No matter how carefully we watch our dogs, accidents do happen and it’s a good idea to plan for the worst. Training your pet to calmly wear a muzzle could help if there is ever an emergency situation. Even the most well-trained and mild-mannered dog could bite if they are injured and scared, so muzzle training could prevent any injuries on the part of the owner and anyone helping.
  3. Wearing a muzzle can also be helpful during grooming, especially if you are currently working on getting your pet used to being handled when they go to the doggie beauty parlor. Ideally, every pet should be trained from puppyhood to not be afraid of the grooming tools but that isn’t always the case. If your pooch tries to bite the grooming equipment, teaching them to wear a muzzle will help make trips to the groomer a much more pleasant experience for both human and canine.
  4. A muzzle is also a good choice for dogs that like to eat things off of the ground during walks. Scarfing up chicken bones, twigs, etc. can pose possible health risks, so it is a good idea to teach your pet to wear a muzzle during walks while you work on cues such as “Leave it” or “Drop it.”
  5. Many dogs are terrified of going to the veterinarian. Some dogs, like my Zoe, merely tremble and shake in fear while others lash out and nip while being handled. In order to prevent any bites, you can train your pet to wear a muzzle so that they can still take treats but they can’t hurt the vet or the techs.

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Muzzle training is a useful tool that can come in handy during emergencies or dealing with a reactive dog, and it is also a good way to make vet visits or trips to the groomer less stressful for all involved too.

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About the Author:

Amanda Ferris is an accomplished writer who has written for sites such as TheThings, IndieReader, Fashion&Style, and New York Family. For the past five years, she has volunteered for Bay Ridge, Brooklyn’s very own Love Wanted Pet Adoptions. She currently owns a laid-back 12-year old Bichon Frise named Esme, and a 3-year-old fearful mystery mutt named Zoe whose noise phobia and anxiety sparked her foray into the world of positive reinforcement dog training.

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